Friday, February 04, 2005


the other night i had a MASSIVE migraine and the whole night i just felt like i wasn't really present. i was just observing the people around me and watched them interact and thought to myself how everyone is so self conscious. i'm sure i'm like that too. but to really focus on body language of people, it is so obvious to tell if they are comfortable or not. and even at "comfortable" there are all these varying degrees...

then i thought, "none of this really matters. our clothes, our hair, our skin. what difference does it make? " in the end it's our actions that make the biggest difference. causing people pain or happiness or anger, whatever. even if you encouter someone for only a short time, the picture of them you have in your mind will fade, and what you remember will be how they made you feel, or what it was that they did that made you think of them.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

isn't it great when God gives us the oppurtunity to step back and see ourselves in the people around us? you just wish He didn't have to use a migraine to get our freaking attention. i have had experiences like this and wondered if i'm as self-absorbed as the people around me. probably. i mean, in part, to be human is to be narcissistic. it is pretty amazing what jesus did, when you consider how easy narcissism comes to an entire race of humans. jesus was truly not concerned about any of the things that we are. what freedom it would be to travel light and follow Him and do whatever we can to love others well and prove it with our actions.


11:38 AM  

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