Saturday, February 26, 2005

the beautiful voice of a tree

"But if you have no relationship with the living things of this earth you may lose whatever relationship you have with humanity, with human beings. We never look deeply into the quality of a tree; we never really touch it, feel its solidity, its rough bark, and hear the sound that is part of the tree. Not the sound of wind through the leaves, not the breeze of a morning that flutters the leaves, but its own sound, the sound of the trunk and the silent sound of the roots. You must be extraodinarily sensitive to hear the sound. This sound is not the noise of the world, not the noise of the chattering mind, not the vulgarity of human quarrels and human warfare, but sound as part of the universe.

If we could, and we must, establish a deep long abiding relationship with nature, with the actual trees, the bushes, the flowers, the grass, and the fast moving clouds, then we would never slaughter another human being for any reason whatsoever."



Anonymous Anonymous said...

i might sound dumb, but who/what is Krishnamuti??? i love this quote. i'm going to duluth this weekend by myself to get near some water and therefore get near to some God. and i'm hoping to find a tree that i can study. i will think of you,

11:32 PM  

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