Sunday, February 27, 2005

now i get it

remember when you were a teenager and you absolutley hated calling your mom to tell her where you were going out and when you'd be home and who'd you be with?

now i get.

really she just wanted to know you were ok before SHE went to bed. not before YOU went to bed. to remind you that she loved you and to be safe and have a good time, to put her mind at ease so she could get a good nights sleep. because now, i'm almost positive my mom didn't sleep well when she wasn't sure where i was or when i'd be home. even if the time i gave was off the mark, her internal clock was sure to wake her up and let her know i wasn't there. then she'd probably not sleep well the rest of the night, or until i got home. so now, i have a deeper appreciation for her love and worrying...

so here i am, still awake 4 hours before i have to wake up and worrying...


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