Tuesday, January 08, 2008

one word

recently i've been reading Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert. today i came across a part when she is talking about giving a single word to a person or place that describes it exactly. so, i've been thinking about what word would describe me, and everything that is me. i have to admit for the majority of my life that word would have to be RESTLESS; but now as i ponder over my journey of the last 29 years and coming into my 30th year - i think the word i am looking for is COMFORTABLE.

By comfortable, i do not mean stagnant or complacent; but comfortable in my own skin. i still strive to discover more about myself and my surroundings; to learn from my experience and to challenge myself physically and intellectually. but i am now comfortable in my approach and my ideas and all the imperfections that make up who i am. i am comfortable knowing that in any given situation i have the confidence that i will be able to handle what is thrown at me no matter how overwhelming it may seem.

there is the occasional feeling of restlessness and the craving for new surroundings that accompanies it that i always thought i would out grow - but i am comfortable with the thoughts that this is just another stretch in my life adventure and my soul is put at ease knowing that there are more paths i will need to follow but i just need the patience to continue on one step at a time.


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