Thursday, December 28, 2006

define yourself

Good - Evil. Right - Wrong. Black - White.

What about the shades of grey?

You know what I'm talking about - those decisions that we make that aren't quite completely self-less; those little white lies we tell - the moments where we are sitting on a fence wondering which side we should be on. These moments in which we give in to our humanness. Why do we punish ourselves for these?

I'm not saying that you shouldn't try to strive for self-improvement - but keep yourself focused and don't be too hard on yourself when you fall or take a wrong turn. These all build your character and if you avoid them - your shadows and skeletons will be there to constantly keep you off track.

I say embrace your shadows; invite your demons to dinner and learn from them. Ask yourself questions to understand why it is you do the things you do. Don't lie to yourself - answer yourself honestly. You'd be amazed at how much better you feel about yourself, and how much closer you are to the path you want to be on.

we all f**k up. there are decisions that we have made that probably wasn't the best one to make - but we made them and there's nothing you can do now, except to understand why you made the decision.

embrace yourself and all of your idiosyncrasies - you'll feel a lot better. And who knows - maybe you'll find the strength to laugh at some of your mishaps!


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