Saturday, January 05, 2008


I don't usually make New Year's Resolutions. It seems everyone always does the same one's and fail: lose weight, quit smoking, quit drinking, start exercising, etc. So I never really felt compelled to make one.

BUT - this year I decided what the hell, let's do it. My New Year's Resolution is that I am going to try to make it a full 365 days as a lacto-ovo-vegetarian. I think this is a reasonable goal - and quite frankly I'm doing it for no other reason than to see if I can. (Side Note: this seems to be a trend in my motivation habits - my biggest motivator is finding out how strong my will power is - i.e. "How stubborn am i exactly? I'll show you!" Just tell me I can't do something - and I'll do it. Don't believe me - ask my mom or dad.) So since I was on a roll making one New Year's Resolution - I decided to go for two! (as back up - just in case my first one fails?) My second one is to be able to run 10k by summer. Not a race necessarily (racing - that kind of competition - doesn't really do it for me - I like to compete with the voices in my head) - I just want to see if I can run for a straight 6.25 miles. I realize this may take some time - so summer is the deadline. Give me a call June 20th to see how I did!

So we'll see what happens. I may need to have a great big plate of steak and eggs for breakfast on January 1, 2009.

Wish me luck!


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