Sunday, May 22, 2005

A Gathering of Generations

generations gather
each in their awkward state

is there any other?

family clinging to family
immediate and otherwise

hopes for the future flutter through the spaces between

children hiding behind mother's legs
adults wishing they still could

happiness in the eyes of the elderly
remembering times when their house was always full

now the emptiness overwhelms

where there was once wisdom and understanding
there is now loneliness and arrogance

men gather by the meat and fire
ladies drink tea and tend to children

children follow children whispering with their mousey sounds

catching up and letting go
bitterness lingers under the surface for some

dirty secrets and uncomfortable notions swept under the table

weaving through people
feeling the distance brought closer

family in all its weirdness
all its imperfect states

strange how it all comes together beautifully


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