Tuesday, August 30, 2005

i got nothin. although this could be something.

I've been thinking about writing a new post. But nothing comes. I'm sure I have stuff I could write about, lots of things are happening. I just don't feel anything forming. I usually write after I feel something "on the way," which would explain why my blogs are so sporadic. It was a really long time between blogs there. Really most of the summer. I was sort of disappointed in myself.

So, I've been making myself sit and write.

I usually write a little bit, then delete it. Then write something else, then delete it. Then get irritated and turn off the computer. I wonder if I'll end up deleting this one?

Maybe not. I really want to put something out there. Just so I can make writing more of a habit. Maybe that will help. Routine.

Although maybe not. We'll see what happens tomorrow.


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