Friday, January 28, 2005

how age catches up with us....

Today i decided to go skiing. after all i have a wonderful set of skis, and there was a "winter festival" at the local mountain this week which had the lift tickets wicked cheap.

and now my body is completely pissed.

seriously....i never knew i could feel pain in my knees, other than when i'd hit them against something. but pain just from using them? i'm not that old yet, am i? could it be that tomorrow i will be paying a dear price, not being able to move at all? i have to work tomorrow. will i be walking around like the tin man before he's all oiled up?

who knew you could feel exactly where every muscle and ligament lies in your body because the throbbing just won't stop? Really, if i knew the names to some of them i could point them all out to you!

on the bright side, however, i didn't fall! what luck.

so now, i'm going to go lather myself up with some tigerbalm and smell like a bucket of vicks vapor rub until my next shower...

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Finally Here

As I am fond of procrastination it's taken me a month to create this. A friend introduced me to it and i thought it was brilliant and i had all intentions of making myself a blogger right away!

Alas...Three weeks later and i am finally here.

i just need to keep the goals realistic now that i have created my blog name and edited my profile a billion times. by realistic i mean not leading myself to believe that i will actually write something every day. but i think i can handle once a week. maybe twice if i am feeling exceptionally motivated.

However since this is new to me, i might actually make 3 this week!

we shall see...