Thursday, May 22, 2008

on the road

A week from today i will be on the road.

on the road to a new city, on the road to the next stage of my life that I am looking forward to, on the road moving toward my future.

i decided to move to tucson, az on april 1st and since then have been planning to get me and my piano there.

Tucson? why? my response to so many people asking me that - "Why Not?" The timing is right, it's cheaper, way more laid back than any east coast city, so really, why not?

I decided to go to grad school - I think i'll be a good teacher. I love language. I love experiencing new cultures. Even my grandmother knows I'll never settle down. In her exact words, "Good for you. I know you like to be all over the place." I love her. Just the fact that she can see into the depths of me with the distance between, creates a confidence in me that I know I am moving in the right direction.

Tucson, here I come...


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