Thursday, September 29, 2005


now, i have always viewed being domestic as a bad thing. if asked, my usual reply is, "i'm unfortunately, quite good at being domestic."

seriously, i would be an effing amazing house wife if that's what i wanted.

But it's not.

now even at this stage of my life, i'm not quite sure what i want. but i know i don't want to be home all the time. get's a bit dull.

unless it's in a chateau in provence. i would love to own a bed and breakfast there. i've recently been talking about this -- a lot. i think it's possible.

i've got this knack for being domestic why not use it to my advantage? i speak french. love french culture. french wine ~ i can't even begin to describe in words my love for this. plus i'm learning other languages as well. so heck, why not?

at the moment it's because i am far from having the funds to move to a brand new country. it's a great retirement idea, but if i decide to go into education, it's a great "summer job!" so i'm going to look more into this.

how fun would it be to say i've met various 'famous' people? but i'm mostly looking forward to kicking out people who irritate me!

i have this whole plan in my head that backpackers can stay for free if they help with stuff 'around the house.' i'd love to help out people trying to 'see the world.'

i'm not saying i'd be 'exclusive' to a certain sort of people, but if people make me mad, they're out. i don't care who they are.

hmmm...i've got lots of thinking to do...


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