Friday, December 23, 2005

Deck the Halls?

I'd like to see, in a very detailed timeline, how Christmas became this overwhelming project.

I remember just having fun and being cozy, enjoying my quirky family, eating great food and delicious drinks, and not feeling like I there was this ridiculous politicalness to getting people gifts.

I always thought of Christmas as more of PRESENCE of family and friends rather than PRESENTS to family and friends.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoy giving those close to me gifts...but with families growing it's difficult to know who I'm buying for. For example - if I don't get that person a gift will they be offended? What if I get them a gift and they don't get me one - will they feel bad?

See what I mean - ridiculous!

Does anyone else feel this way?

I am looking forward to seeing my family, I miss them, I look forward to talking in the cozy lit living room with great candles and christmas lights, and the smell of pine - I'm a sucker for that. Enjoying a 7&7 with my Dad, and playing games with all the silliness I can gather up out of my adult mind.

Pit's always good for that...

Sarah - I think we should play Pit.


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