Friday, January 27, 2006

on tequila

If you drink tequila, the festivities will follow.

Even if there was no intention of festiveness in the beginning...

Tuesday, January 10, 2006


Last night I was watching Bill Mahr's stand up act. It consisted mostly of him ranting on about the things America can do better. I agree with a lot of what he said, quite frankly.

One thing stuck out most though. He said, "I don't hate America. I am EMBARASSED by America. I am embarassed by the cretins in power who are representing me. That's NOT who I am." I feel the same way.

Honestly, I think there are few people who would be able to represent who I am. We are all different. Each one of us has a different perspective. So it falls upon the man, or people, in charge to represent the generalities of our country. However, when those in places of power are lying to us and curving our thoughts towards less important issues, telling us to 'go back to sleep' - way too many of us do and- well, we see what happens.

I know people are smart. I've had good conversations with random people. But it seems like people, in the masses, are losing motivation to change things. Most people are happy to just go along, not rock the boat, happy with convenience and the pretense that everything is going on swimmingly. Happy to live in this obscenely ridiculous state of acceptance and ignoring the world around us. Glad to pay twice as much for milk than gas - which is crazy - cows cover this continent, and several others - and as far as I know, their supply is endless! (But that's a whole different blog)

Not too long ago, I was sleeping. I wanted to believe there is a good cause behind the decisions the powers that be have made. I come from a military family, and have brothers and friends who are in the military. God forbid anything happens to them while they're fighting in this "war" - I need to believe that their fighting for something good. Something just. Something that means more than just the jerk with the Hummer getting cheaper gas for his unnecessary, gargantuan vehicle.

I used to be irritated at the stupidity of people who are able to do something and don't, and sometimes I still am. But I've come to a very important conclusion:

We can all do something. The best way to get to the masses is to start small. Start with your own circle. And, hopefully, the small changes we create within ourselves and between each other, will help to influence the larger group. Massive change might not happen soon - but the more persistent we are: the more we learn, the more we teach others, the more we encourage those around us to stop sleeping - change will happen...eventually.