Friday, March 14, 2008

I hope I get an answer

Before you go ahead and read the following - know that I have a plan B and am determined to make them look really bad if I don’t hear from them soon. The story will unfold...

Hello "Troc" -

I have to admit I am disappointed that I have yet to receive a response from anyone there.

I can understand being busy - but it’s been some time [weeks] since my initial contact.

Please respond. If I don’t hear from you in the next few days, it will make me very sad as I have decided to never go to your venue again if my requests are not at least acknowledged.

I hope to hear from you soon regarding the previously stated issue.

From Friday February 22nd:

Dear "The Troc,"

I noticed that there is a show coming up in March that I would very much like to go to. However, I have a major concern. I need to know if I will be able to ascend the stairs to the glorious balcony/bar area to see the show from those lofty heights.

You see, the last time [not to mention the only time] I was at The Troc [back in November] I was told I could not go up to the bar area since my valid NY State License [which does not expire until 2012] did not make the cut after being scrutinized by both A****** D***** [if that was her real name] and her mighty black light machine. Since my, quite old enough ID, did not give off the magical symbol of whatever the Empire State has decided to hide in the newer licenses - I was not allowed up to the balcony area, as An**** deemed my [what I assumed was valid] NY State ID invalid and unworthy. I have to admit, at first I was flattered. Then I realized she was serious. Now, I have to hand it to her, she was a hard ass and stuck to her guns - I can respect that. But I think you should be keeping her better informed of valid IDs. This is how old I am - not even my license can keep up with the new technology!

Now please, please tell me you have corrected this limited screening process and provided another, more comprehensive - one all encompassing of all 50 of the United States valid IDs [I’m not even asking for the Globe here] - and I will be more than happy to spend my money at The Troc.

Pretty please, with sugar on top? You can even call my mom...