Monday, April 21, 2008

trust in the masses?

It’s official; I’m a registered voter in PA. As a Democrat…

Now the question is, “Who will I vote for?” Honestly I’m not sure. The PA primaries are tomorrow and I don’t know who I should vote for (as if it even matters? and yes I’m still going to vote thinking this because I have just a sliver of hope left for the American people – so maybe if I believe in them and the system one last time they will redeem themselves – or maybe not – but we’ll see…) In any case, I’m trying to decide who the American people are more likely to vote for against a typical male republican candidate – a biracial man or a woman? It pains me to think, “Neither.”

Let me explain: We as American’s are in a terrible relationship right now – and most people in bad relationships stay in them because they are comfortable and at least they know what to expect – so they stay in them so they don’t have to face an entirely new set of problems. Quite frankly I’d like to know what else I can get.

In such a culturally diverse country, how is it that white men have been the only ones to reach the seat of President? And how is it that even among both party candidates there is only one African American (R- Alan Keyes) one Biracial Man (D – Barack Obama) and one Woman (D – Hillary Clinton)? Then there’s like 8 white guys?! I suppose I should be grateful that it’s no longer ONLY white men in the running. Here’s hoping people will vote Democrat in the fall regardless or race or gender …