Thursday, January 01, 2009


I had this dream where I am standing on a beach and I linger in a moment where I am calm and certain. Even though this is how I feel I see the waves crashing around me and it’s as though the ocean is foaming at the mouth and determined to take me in. The wind is fierce and lightning is striking the horizon. I can feel the thunder shake me to my core. This doesn’t faze me; for whatever reason I am completely unafraid.

Someone behind me shouts at me and as I turn, they run and I don't see who it is, then I see a house on fire. Still I have a sense of complete calm and I walk to the house. I walk IN the house. There’s no smoke, only flames that seem to touch everything else but me and I find people on the second floor and I talk to them. I don't remember their faces and I don’t remember the conversation but they were trying to talk me into something. I am undecided and attempt to help them extinguish the surrounding flames.

Then I woke up. I think it’s still burning…