Thursday, October 13, 2005

to the up, up, upper west side

mama this is for you:

after deciding not to get married i felt pretty badly about myself. but all in all i felt it was the best decision, and today, i still feel like it's one of the better decisions i've made. even though the decision was mine, it still hurt like hell.

a few of the ensuing moments:

so many days and nights of crying. sobbing. weeping. there were days where i cried myself dry - yes, it's possible people! i felt like my face would be a puffy, red mess forever. i would stop crying for 5 minutes and then start up again.

i recall driving in the rain screaming at God for making me all to human. (note: i do NOT recommend this.) i was feeling my insides being ripped out, and i wanted a reason for why the physical pain reached as deeply as my emotional pain. alas, I have experienced true loss. this is the conclusion i've come to. loss of a loved one as much as a loss of part of myself. it's difficult to understand, even now, that there's a part of me that's gone.

i would go through my work days and such, keeping it together just fine, and when i got home i would lose it. i seriously thought, for a while, that i would probably become schizophrenic because my life was at an incredible point of duality. i was fine during the day and then i would be a complete basket case (we're talking borderline psycho) at home. burning pictures, trying to hurt myself, wanting to hurt myself because i thought i deserved it, drinking more than i should have, driving like a crazy person (see above) - through the tears i could hardly see the road. i even tried to call my ex a few times, but i got scared and hung up. nevermind i wouldn't even know what to say if he answered, i had no idea WHAT i wanted to say. "I'm sorry", perhaps? but he'd already heard it, and assured me he would never forgive me. i ended up seeing him quite a few months later, and he was just glaring at me. and i recall being that much more confident in my decision, probably not the effect he was going for with the glaring.

it's difficult, even now, to understand that there's a part of me that's gone. i can feel the physical change: i used to be much more lighthearted, maybe even silly. but it's been replaced with a touch of cynicism and skepticism, so now issues feel heavier. but i still deal with them, but maybe in a more "adult" way. i'm not as childish as i used to be. i am still relieved that i didn't get married. althought sometimes i wonder what i would be like if i had. but i figure i'd probably be going through motions and saying just the right things at just the right times and being the greatest little house wife (see previous post on domesticity- in short, i'm a master), and being completely miserable on the inside.

I've learned to forgive myself, and through all that crap - i've learned to embrace myself and my idiosyncrasies. i understand that there are things that i need to appreciate about myself and not try to hide who i am because i think that it's something others don't want me to be.

so here's to love and loss and lessons learned. mama, you'll find yours.

where am i? seattle?

i don't remember when it started raining. perhaps a week ago? i'm not sure.

in any case it's not supposed to stop until monday.

i am however surprised that i haven't been more moody because of it. it's been rather soothing. although i find myself just wanting to sleep the rest of the week away because the rain is making me feel so tired. sooooooo tired.

is this really what the pacific northwest is like ALL the time? i was there so briefly and it was sunny for the most part. but this is what i imagine it would be like most of the time.

oh, i miss sunshine.

sweet monday ~ i can't wait!