Friday, December 30, 2005

Ma Soeur qui as la plus belle ame

You've heard a little about my brother's (see The Tuffness), but I've not mentioned much about my sister. She is beautiful - and has a beautiful soul.

We're about a year apart in age, which is great - at least now it is. We always had somebody to play with when we were kids, but once puberty hit all hell broke loose. (Maybe my mom would have some input into that.) I remember fighting with my sister when we were little, but nothing compared to when we were teenagers - maybe I just remember more from that time.

Anyway we would fight constantly - or at least 95% of the time. Maybe it wasn't that much, but sometimes it really seemed like it. Complete with hair pulling and all the nastiness sisters can muster up. I know I can be cruel.

But then we stopped living with each other and our relationship blossomed. Funny how a seperation of hundreds of miles can bring people together - and Post-Adolescence.

Now, since I am way less self-absorbed than I was when I was a teenager, I can finally see and appreciate my sister. Sarah is kind and gentle. She seems to be reserved, never getting too excited about things - but she has this light in her eyes that shines. She's amazing. She'll do things that scare her - like walk across a suspension bridge 280 ft off the ground - even though she's afraid of heights. I admire that. There are times when I think we are completely opposite and then there are times when we are eerily similar. We have similar physical stances, and we laugh about having the Szulwach gene of tending to talk way too loud when we get excited about something. But these are our packages, and I think we've done well with them. We've learned to appreciate each other so much more - that's important.

And, I think, she has great hair.

Friday, December 23, 2005

Deck the Halls?

I'd like to see, in a very detailed timeline, how Christmas became this overwhelming project.

I remember just having fun and being cozy, enjoying my quirky family, eating great food and delicious drinks, and not feeling like I there was this ridiculous politicalness to getting people gifts.

I always thought of Christmas as more of PRESENCE of family and friends rather than PRESENTS to family and friends.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoy giving those close to me gifts...but with families growing it's difficult to know who I'm buying for. For example - if I don't get that person a gift will they be offended? What if I get them a gift and they don't get me one - will they feel bad?

See what I mean - ridiculous!

Does anyone else feel this way?

I am looking forward to seeing my family, I miss them, I look forward to talking in the cozy lit living room with great candles and christmas lights, and the smell of pine - I'm a sucker for that. Enjoying a 7&7 with my Dad, and playing games with all the silliness I can gather up out of my adult mind.

Pit's always good for that...

Sarah - I think we should play Pit.